Place your personal affairs in order with our expert advice on the preparation of your Lasting Powers of Attorney in relation to your Health & Welfare and Property & Financial matters.
By ensuring that you have prepared your Lasting Powers of Attorney, you can ensure your property and finances and decisions relating to your health and welfare are dealt with in the event that you lose mental capacity, or are unable to deal with your own affairs for any reason.
There are an estimated 850,000 people in the U.K. suffering from Dementia (40,000 of which are under the age of 65). By preparing your Lasting Powers of Attorney you can ensure that you appoint Attorneys of your choice and avoid potential family disputes in future.
A Lasting Power of Attorney enables you to exercise control over how your Attorneys deal with your affairs. You can decide whether your Attorneys act jointly or make some or all decisions independent of each other, impose restrictions and limitations on what your Attorneys can or cannot do (for example you can state that they cannot sell your property) or give guidance to your Attorneys (for example you can indicate that you do not wish to be placed in a care home unless a doctor has certified that you are incapable of living on your own).
There are several pitfalls in preparing a Lasting Power of Attorney which could led to the provisions not being enforceable, or worse, the Power of Attorney being invalid, so it is important that you seek professional advice when preparing your Lasting Powers of Attorney.
At C S Law we have the necessary expertise to guide you so that you can make the right choices and ensure that you have placed your personal affairs in order. In most instances we can carry out the work on a FIXED FEE basis. To find out more contact us.